5 Major Reasons Why You HAVE to Trademark Your Video Game Title TODAY

For all the enterprising game creators out there, listen up -- we're talking about some serious legal discourse here. And understand that it really wasn't always like this, for good reason. After all, it wasn't like just anyone could wake up one day and create a brand like NINTENDO and a couple plumbers. Or SEGA and a  blue hedgehog. Those were the golden days of video games.

But Nowadays, Video Games Have Populated the Cyberspace Airwaves in Droves....

And just about anyone can distribute their own titles, reaping the benefits. Yes, of course: the major consoles and PC still rule the stratosphere. But can you even count how many different 'versions' of Candy Crush Saga there are? These games are often distributed even more than the major console games, because they're free -- free only due to ad revenue and the simplicity of constructing games with ease.

The golden days are over. Just about anyone can code a game for mobile use. The mobile gaming industry has grown astronomically, which means it's all the more important to trademark whatever title you have -- and here's why:

These five reasons alone are enough to make you want to head to the USPTO and legally protect your MEGA GIOVANNI BROTHERS platform game, or whatever.

Trust Us: You REALLY Don't Want Nintendo Knocking on Your Door

With Super Mario's mallet, no less.

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