The REAL Reason Why You'll Reap AMAZING Financial Benefits Just From Filing That Video Game Title Trademark
We don't mean gradual revenue. We mean big bucks. BUKU bucks. Why? Aside from these valid reasons for registering a video game trademark, check this out:
Venture Capitalists and Investors Absolutely LOVE a Trademark
They see value, uniqueness, originality. Part of the value of the video game industry is the ability to create something so interesting that investors will put up money to ensure your brand's successful. Think licensing. Merchandising. Toys. Media. Why else do you think ANGRY BIRDS was made into a movie?
Essentially, you have worldwide protection and virtually limitless possibilities for revenue generation -- all because you took the steps necessary to file that trademark from the very beginning. When your game hits the big time -- like ANGRY BIRDS, and TETRIS, and even there's FRUIT NINJA (are they serious??) -- film adaptations will be made. Yes, there will be a FRUIT Ninja film coming out very soon.
So, Again, Imagine the Possibilities
Create a little game with killer creativity. And you'll have a monopoly on your hands. As long as you take the necessary steps to secure your legal protection. Remember: that game is your intellectual property. You created it. You have to protect it.