Here's Why You Need to Be LEGALLY Careful With Your Video Game Title

Honestly, this is all about visibility, reach, performance, and popularity. The video game industry's among the top growing industries in the entire world -- so you can only imagine just how many different 'versions' of the SUPER MARIO BROTHERS there are. Trademarking and copyrighting is cruclal when making a video game as shown here. Specifically, though, you want to legally protect yourself because....

There Are a LOT of Similar Titles Out There

So you hire an attorney. Plain and simple. It's money well spent especially after reading about these reasons for filing a trademark. When you register that video game title as a trademark, your attorney will do the research necessary with the USPTO, discovering if there are any other similar titles out there.

This not only protects you; this ensures your game will be unique, offering up something special, and securing your visibility. Essentially, your game will have a better chance of success if someone can at least REMEMBER the name! Think about it:


Let's have a test: find just one title on here you never heard of. We're willing to bet you've heard of all of them.

The funny thing is a lot of these titles were trademarked waaaaaaay later than they should've been, but that's okay. The brand was so popular that no other mediocre game creator could even think of stealing thunder.

But in This Day and Age, You HAVE to Protect Your Brand RIGHT NOW

Facing a lawsuit isn't fun. Maybe by chance you never even heard of FLAPPY BIRD. If not, and you created your own fun game called "Flippy Bird," we're willing to bet you'd get a nice cease-and-desist letter, forcing you to change the name after you already created the game and marketed it on iOS and Android.

This creates issues with SEO, negative reviews, marketing, and worse -- a loss of customers.

So avoid that. Before you take the plunge, hire an attorney to check up on a trademark suiting your vision. This ensures that the game is solely yours -- and no one else's, and then you can join the ranks with Master Chief, Zangief, Q-Bert, and all the other icons of the digital world!

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