Why Only YOU Should Be Able to Use YOUR Video Game Title

It should be a no-brainer even though imitation is the highest form of flattery. You'd be surprised at how many game manufacturers don't even think of registering for a trademark before even selling the title in stores, iOS, or Android. Why? Surely these reasons are proof enough....

But Game Developers Simply Think the Title Won't Matter!

In a way, they're absolutely right. The game itself matters. After all, if ANGRY BIRDS wasn't so darn fun, no one would play it. And it doesn't matter what the game's called. Gamers and game developers honestly don't think about that marketing aspect much at all, but you should.

Candy Crush Saga-1.jpg

When you trademark your video game title, you're protecting that title from being stolen. You're even protecting your title from being confused with other similar titles! Imagine a game developer coming up with a puzzle game remarkably innovative and calling it "CANDY CRASH CHRONICLES."

Ask yourself this question..... "Doesn't it remind you of 'Candy Crush,' the sensation Zynga is so well known for all over the world?"

We know what you're thinking: you wouldn't have even thought of it if we didn't bother mentioning it. Are you so sure?

You'd Be Surprised at the Competition Over a Video Game NAME

A lot of copycats will try and piggyback off of the "popularity" of a game and score a big one solely on name recognition. It's against the law. And it can hurt your marketability, too.

So make sure you trademark that video game title! Or your candy's going to get crushed.

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