Why VPN (Virtual Private Network) Doesn't Belong to Hot Techno-Giant Apple

Here's why you need to be in the know about the latest technology, especially if you're an up-and-comer and don't want to step on any legal toes. Apple, one of the biggest players in the Internet game, skyrocketed out of the gate with VPN as a major function. But who would've thought.... 

Apple, In Fact, Never Invented the Function at All

This happened back in 2012 when one company known as VirnetX filed a lawsuit with Apple over the function known as VPN. How so? It was  an infringement upon the exact same technology developed by VirnetX and essentially made "popular" by the computer giant with the iOS versions 3 through 6.

The trial took about a week for deliberation, but once it was resolved, it turned out to be very clear: Apple infringed upon VirnetX's two U.S. patents: 6,502,135 and 7,490,151. Damages found by the jury racked up totals of well over $330MM just on those two infringement findings alone. We'd normally say that with a bit more bravado, but the fact is this -- Apple's huge. And while 334 million bucks is enough to buy a country, Apple sees that as, well, apples, and remained professional about it.

The Story, However, Wasn't Over by a Longshot....

As Apple faced even more legal issues from the same plaintiff, so it's pretty clear as to the moral of the story: technology deals in very serious legalities. If you're going to develop a brand in the industry, make sure it's definitely your own -- or literally anyone -- at least anyone developing a patent or copyright before you -- can rise up and file something against you. It doesn't matter if you're a technological giant like Apple or not.

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