Why FaceTime and iMessage Cost Apple Literally Millions of Legal Dollars

And, no, it's not because of Facebook. And don't be surprised: Apple doesn't own the entirety of all "i"-labeled words, believe it or not. Sure, they've got the iPhone, and the iPad. But it turns out.... That iMessage really never belonged to Apple, all because of yet another nasty lawsuit like this one, costing the computer mega-giant massive amounts of money.

Apple Ended Up Shelling Out  a Whopping $290.7MM for Being Found Guilty of Infringement

The plaintiff, VirnetX, certainly won a big Christmas present there. After deliberation of the technology patents responsible for the advent that was FaceTime and iMessage, Apple was stuck with a nasty lawsuit about a violation of the company's two major patents: 7,418,504 and 7,921,211. These two patents harness the technology making FaceTime and iMessage possible!

And to make it worse.... The court found that Apple willfully infringed upon original patents '135 and '151 associated with the technology of VPN (it simply means Apple knew they were "stealing" ideas) and have faced even more monetary damages on top of that. Ouch.

This Should Tell You That While Your Business Gets Big, Your Legal Stuff Needs to Stay Humble

Even a massive powerhouse like Apple can face the legal ropes in a big way. So stay humble. Especially in the legal field. Of course, we're pretty certain that out of several big technology lawsuits in our history, no matter how much money's involved, major heavy hitters can handle it without a problem! 

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