Why No One Can Use the "Jedi" Term When Talking About Mind Control

Lucasfilm's stingy, aren't they, with their intellectual property? After all, the name JEDI is completely unique -- so under patent and trademark law, it would stand to reason that any reference to that term would mean they're directly relating to Star Wars. It stinks, though, because no one simply wants to be a "mind reader," "telepath," "empath" or "object mind-mover" (we couldn't come up with anything better than that). Being a JEDI? That's pretty cool.

It Turns Out a Company Once Called "Jedi Mind" Sought to Leverage That Pop Culture in Their Product Manufacturing 

Jedi Mind was once a company dedicated to manufacturing all sorts of digital products, such as wireless headsets designed to "detect brainwaves," very much like how a Jedi moves objects. Pretty cool idea until Lucasfilm got involved and demanded with a cease-and-desist letter that they change their name.

Amazingly, Lucasfilm not only trademarked the term "Jedi," but even everything about them -- namely everything from the Jedi robes, to the actual Force, and even the "Force Lightning" Emperor Palpatine can do. Even light sabers have been trademarked (and in many respects, patented). So anyone using the term or any relation thereof would be in danger of patent law violation.

Needless to Say, Jedi Mind Was Forced to Change Their Business Name

It was inevitable given Lucasfilm's lawsuit of $5MM in damages in 2010, claiming that the company Jedi Mind failed to comply. Jedi Mind thought fast and officially and legally changed their name to "Mind Technologies" (infinitely less cooler than "Jedi Mind"), and the rest is history.

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