If You're Going to Make a Star Trek Fan Film, Please Make It Your "Own"

This should go without saying as evidenced by the many rules and stipulations CBS/Paramount laid out for all those fan filmmakers wanting to dip their fingers into the celluloid of the Star Trek universe. But, seriously -- if you're going to make a fan film, make it your OWN -- as in your OWN actors, your own STORIES, no "shippers" or anything.

This Means You Can't Have Dr. McCoy Be Romantically Involved With Mr. Spock in a Quick 15-Minute Episode Romance

It's just not feasible. Funny, but not feasible. Moreover, by original content, you must actually film the stuff with brand-new scenes and not splice anything from episodes or movies featuring the characters as played by either Nimoy, Kelley, or Karl Urban and Zachary Quinto. You can't even create any of those cool shipper music videos we often see on YouTube without potentially getting Warp 9 heat from the big boys at CBS and Paramount.

Here's the actual quote from the rules they laid out:

"The content in the fan production must be original, not reproductions, recreations or clips from any Star Trek production. If non-Star Trek third party content is used, all necessary permissions for any third party content should be obtained in writing."

You can't get much plainer than that.

There's Still Plenty of Room for Romance and Other Fun Stuff for Fan Films, Though

After all, this is STAR TREK, people! Come on.... Kirk had plenty of fun with many a green alien woman. Why not you?

(So, okay, this fan film takes some liberties....")

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