Savor the Flavor of Your Star Trek Fan Film While You Can....

And why is that? Because according to CBS and Paramount and the legal rules they've stipulated regarding Star Trek fan films, you never know when they're going to pull the plug on the stipulations! Yes, it's true: they might actually change their minds and not let ANYONE film fan features of Star Trek. Call that a violation of the prime directive if you will....

It Does, However, Make Sense: After All, They Own the Rights to Star Trek!

It would, therefore, do you well to observe all of these rules in full effect and hope to the Klingon gods that others follow the same suit. Things get out of hand, and CBS and Paramount might just overturn the entire thing, seize all fan films as products belonging to them, and you're left up a creek.

Don't believe us? Here's the actual rhetoric delivered by CBS and Paramount, just to make sure it's legal for you:

"CBS and Paramount Pictures reserve the right to revise, revoke and/or withdraw these guidelines at any time in their own discretion. These guidelines are not a license and do not constitute approval or authorization of any fan productions or a waiver of any rights that CBS or Paramount Pictures may have with respect to fan fiction created outside of these guidelines."

That's what's so amazing about trademark, copyright and patent law....

They Can Allow Whatever They Want With the Option That They Can Take It All Away at Any Time

All the more reason for you to observe the law. Follow it. Cross your t's and dot your i's. Because you'll never know when you'll need some humpback whales to communicate to some deadly alien probe and save the planet.

(The crazy thing is this fan film really isn't a fan film at all! But it might as well be. You'll see some familiar faces in this particular web episode!)

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