10 Patent and Trademark Stories From a Galaxy Far, Far Away

If you know your patent law, you'd know that LucasFilm -- now owned by Disney, of course -- guards their IP with the Force (seemingly literally, as in they'll choke the lifeforce out of you if someone even TOUCHES an ewok). And they should. You've seen "The Force Awakens," correct? That film was a mega-death-star capable of exploding the silver screen with a lot of happy faces. This is a company that will do anything to protect their imaginative properties, and they have --

Because, Honestly, You Would NOT Believe Just How Many Times Lucasfilm Stepped in to Say "THAT'S OUR PROPERTY"

Intellectual property, of course.... That's the sad truth, though, about pop culture. Try to sell a laser blaster that even remotely looks like something Han Solo would pack, and LucasFilm will have a problem with you, and with this list -- you'll realize even United States Presidents will fear the Force!

But We Want You to Understand One Major Point About LucasFilm and All Their Patents and Trademarks....

They had a right to protect that property. Plain and simple. So you can only imagine what you can do with your own inventions. Your own creations. No one can use them without your permission. And there's a certain power to that. Perhaps a secret power the Jedi had never discovered.

Welcome to Vention Books

The beauty of patents and patent law is that there is so much more pop culture invested in it than we realize, and that's where Vention Books come in, a source of information designed to connect you with the culture around you and realize how brands and intellectual property develop over time. But even more so is this focus:

We're All About Creating the Next Generation of Inventors

See the light bulb? At one point, that was an invention. A creative mind developed it, and now it's a household institution shedding light for everyone. What do you think patent law (and trademark law, for that matter) is all about? Someone out there in our great nation had a great idea and wanted to brand it for all to experience.

What we don't even realize is that even many institutions of pop culture have also been branded and patented, and that's what Vention Books wants to highlight for ages 9 to 99. We want you to know just how all the stuff we love got so recognizable, what it takes for it to get there legally, and how it can come alive on paper. Intellectual property can live beyond the page. In fact, it already does.

So Stay Awhile and Learn About Everything From Star Wars to Video Games

What makes us the American Way. The things we do, the things we learn, the things that inspire us. Patent law makes it possible. And for starters, here's where you can find the Vention Books first edition from a galaxy far, far away:

Vention : Star Wars Collection

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