VENTION: Video Game

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VENTION: Video Game

from $2.99

It’s time to double-jump, beat the boss, unlock the achievement and find the easter eggs.

From the original Pong to Fall Out 4, video games have certainly come along way. Here’s a look at the technology that makes gaming possible. Start by checking out the design patents of some of the worst controllers, some of the best, and some of the most iconic while taking a stroll through gamer memory lane.

Trace the development of video game consoles, beginning with the short-lived Magnavox Odyssey and end with Valve’s Steam Console.  And what about the console that never was? The Nintendo PlayStation, an abandoned co-operative machine from Sony and Nintendo. 

Whether you’re the chosen one with a great destiny or simply one of many, there’s one thing that ties us all together- love of games.

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